Feeling tension in my right hand, and satisfaction deep in the heart, all at once. July in the Faroe Islands: the sheep-shearing-month, home of summer mist, bright and dull summer colors, the upcoming Ólavsøka-celebration (the national holiday) and My Faroe Islands’ blogaversary. The hand tension is a consequence of using blade shears for days, something I really like to do, because it means being close to nature, companionship, and accomplishing a goal, an achievement that you can see right away. The longer you clip sheep, the more wool is being piled up on the fence.
The same applies to my blog, in a metaphorical sense, a passion project that I started four years ago, purely because I’m a huge fan of discoveries myself, both on the large and small scale. By now, My Faroe Islands has readers from approximately 50 countries across the globe, all taking an interest in the Faroe Islands and my blog, pictures and stories from a wind-swept archipelago in the middle of the North Atlantic. Plenty of reasons to celebrate. July explanatory remark: The shiny summer color pictures, I took during a walk in our valley, the sheep shearing scenery shows the same spot yesterday, a different kind of weather; circadian fog and summer rain. Below: update, current Ólavsøka-pictures.