In a church close to the shore of Skálafjørður on Eysturoy. In our village’s gorge, down at the North Atlantic. In the car. At the dinner table: I have heard Rúni Brattaberg sing many times. Also onstage. Rúni has made his way from Suðuroy, Faroe Islands, to the power centers of opera, including the Metropolitan Opera in New York City …
Read MoreFragile Artworks: Ole Jakob Nielsen Is The Wood Whisperer
Surf crashes onto the white sandy beach of Leynar. Heavy rain pours down, while gusts of wind race across grey skies. The weather rollercoaster gains even more speed, the ride leans into an invisible curve, it performs a nose-over, and then it lands on the grass roof of Ole Jakob Nielsen’s workshop. Visiting the Faroese artist …
Read MoreFunny Cottages, Wet Cookies And A Concert With Teitur
At present, my car looks as if I’d moved in. Not because I’m a messy person, but rather because I need to be one-hundred percent prepared. Gumboots. Ugg boots. Camera tripod. My new foldable camping chair, with armrests and cupholder. Rubber pants. Lined jacket. Iphone recharger cable. Buff headwear. Faroese sweater. Pocket knife …
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